Who We Are


PMF lifts up poor children and youth with no hope and gives them a reason to believe and feel important by providing them with an avenue to achieve education and thrive. We undertake a series of community project activities to further our mission in order to reach our goal of bringing all children into a classroom. We do...

Needs assessments in schools and the communities to locate the sources of insufficiency and device plans to sustainable solutions. We interview community and local government leaders, parents & guardians, children and the general public. The lack of resources, jobs and literacy programs are usually the obvious causes of poverty which is the biggest stumbling block in children’s lives in Uganda.

Town hall meetings with school administrators, parents and village leaders to discuss future projects in the communities, and how everyone can benefit from them. We learned that by opening up dialogues like these, people provide great ideas to finding solutions to problems in their own communities.

Motivational speeches to teach and inspire the youth. Experience can be a good teacher. Inviting seasoned speakers to share stories of triumph over adversity at our events helps adults and children in the community to relate and look forward to doing what seems impossible.

Girl child because we have a promise to all children who need an education but don’t have the means to achieving it. Unfortunately, our efforts are sometimes met with unfounded beliefs and attitudes against the importance of female children going to school. Some traditions don’t take education for girls to be of value, and it is hard to change this kind of thinking from among certain people. We will not give up until all barriers are broken, attitudes changed and demands met for girls to be on the same level as boys in receiving quality education.

Scholastic materials for all the children without access to them. Grade students need at least two dozen books a term. Backpacks, school uniforms and shoes are some of the items we help children with. Our needs assessments reports show that a great number of children struggle significantly to the extent of being sent away from school because they cannot afford the cheapest exercise books. We thank all our friends and partners who have seen a need to give a helping hand in this effort.